Academic Success Center
Find free tutoring support for your academic career at UVA Wise.
The Academic Success Center offers both in person and online tutoring sessions for all UVA Wise students. Students may sign up to meet with tutors on campus via the WC Online tutoring website. Log in with your UVA Wise email and password to get started! Spring 2025 tutoring begins on January 20.
UVA Wise students also have access to Tutor.com by clicking on ANY class on your Canvas Dashboard, and scroll down on the left side of the screen to find the Tutor.com 24/7 tutoring link. Click on the link to get started! Tutor.com provides 24/7 support for almost any course at UVA Wise, and is accessible anywhere in the world.
For a brief overview of our tutoring services, check out this flyer!
Tutors are qualified individuals who possess proven academic backgrounds, foster strong study habits and are endorsed by faculty. All tutoring services are provided free of cost to students enrolled in courses offered by the College.
Location and Hours
The Academic Success Center is located in the library on the second floor (24 hour side).
Open year-round, we provide tutoring Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., except for designated holidays.
Types of Tutoring Sessions
- 1v1 and Small Group Tutoring. The most common form of tutoring features groups of two to four students who meet regularly and are enrolled in the same course.
- Online Tutoring. Free tutoring online is available in most subjects as well as GRE and MCAT practice tests via Tutor.com. Students can access Tutor.com by clicking on ANY class on your Canvas Dashboard, and scroll down on the left side of the screen to find the Tutor.com 24/7 tutoring link. Click on the link to get started!
- Academic Coaching. Students may work with tutors to improve on aspects such as time management and study skills.
- Mentorship and Adaptability Program. This program for first year students provides freshmen with an upper class mentor who will help them adjust to college life, both in and out of the classroom. This program offers weekly meetings for students to improve their study skills, as well as build relationships across campus.
Learn more about tutoring policies and responsibilities.