Our grant-funded research studies enable us to create teacher-leaders within our districts who engage in active research, collect and analyze data, and then offer evidence-based programming based on what we learn.

  • Coach.Teach.Write. (2023-2025) Funded by an Education Innovation and Research grant from the U.S. Department of Education, this research study provides a 2-year writing program of support for high-quality instruction in writing grades 7-8.  Districts and schools that participate in the CTW project receive training and support in teaching and assessing narrative writing at no cost. In exchange, districts and schools cooperate with an integrated study of the CTW program’s impact. Coeburn Middle and Union Middle schools are our partners in this program.
  • College, Career, and Community Writers’ Program (2017-2022) served high needs schools in Buchanan and Dickenson counties and collected data on best practices for teaching researched argument. Results: post-test scores revealed significant gains in classes using these practices.
  • On the Write Track: Teaching Contrastive Analysis (2015) studied vernacular dialect influence in student writing middle-college. Post-test results showed an increase in scores at the middle-secondary level. Our results were published in a chapter in the book Talking Appalachian (Clark & Hayward, U. Press of KY, 2014).
Teachers attending conference