Theatre Facilities
Gilliam Center for the Arts
The Center brings theater, music and art together under the same roof embracing the faculty’s emerging interdisciplinary approach to arts education. This 14.5 million dollar facility boasts an ample shop and studio facilities with a compliment of entertainment technology that rivals almost any program its size in the nation. Intermingled studio and shop spaces combine their service to a variety of artistic disciplines inviting students and the entire community to crosswire a unique conception of the artistic process.
Performance Venue
The theater is a sort of hybrid performance space with the technical flexibility of a large-scale ‘black-box theater’ and a contemporary décor that creates the sort of aesthetic presence a traditional theater represents. Seating in the theater is variable and can be reconfigured for performances in 1-sided, 3-sided, and 4-sided (theater in the round) configurations, seating between 130 and 200 people for intimate and engaging performances.
Technical Equipment
One of the most technically equipped facilities in the region, a few of the theater features include: a motorized twenty foot revolving turntable, touchscreen Computer Technology throughout, Allen & Heath iLive-176 Sound Digital Mixing System, and an audio workstation w/SFX, ProTools & Digidesign 03 Surface.
Scene Shop
More than 2,400 square feet of floor space for scenic fabrication and construction, the scene shop is an exceptionally equipped production facility. It features wood & metal fabrication areas as well as a 3-story painting and construction area and a storage loft with hoist. Pneumatic and electric hook-ups line the walls and ceilings. Cable pass-through sleeves connect adjoining performance spaces to extend water, air, or additional electric capacity between spaces while two 14 foot acoustically sealing doors open up onto the stage.
Costume Shop
Over 1,450 square feet are dedicated to costume construction and care look out over the campus lake on one side and the Arts Center courtyard on the other. The main section of the shop is lined with storage closets housing over 200 linear feet of hanging costume storage. This section features a large cutting table, multiple draping dress forms, an industrial vacuum steam pressing table and front-load washer and dryer. The sewing area contains Juki industrial sewing machines including two strait stitch, a walking foot, overlook, blind stitch, and zig-zag machine. Additionally there are 2 commercial Janome machines with adjustable speed capabilities.
Acting Studio & Rehearsal Hall
A beautiful acoustically tuned studio with giant picture windows looking out on the campus lawn and lake. The rehearsal hall features a hardwood sprung floor, border curtains, 18 foot ceilings with mirrors for mask and dance work and a ballet bar. The room has a large format touch screen presentation computer as well as theatrical lighting and sound capacities for intimate performances.
In the center of the Center for the Arts is an open-air courtyard with bistro-style tables and chairs for picnics and outdoor classes. The outdoor arena also boasts a dedicated sound system with permanently mounted-all weather Community brand speakers and lighting infrastructure for outdoor concerts and performances.
Design Studio
This classroom makes all the necessary provision for design classes including convertible craft/drafting tables, materials storage and a touch screen presentation computer. Design students research, draw, model and present scenic, costume and lighting designs.
Digital Design Studio
High-end computers outfitted for sophisticated audio, video and graphics applications line this classroom and provide students with the opportunity to work on professional computer aided designs and audio and video production.