The purpose of the UVA Wise CARE (Concern – Assessment – Resources – Evaluation) Team is to ensure a timely and coordinated response to students who are experiencing challenges or concerning behaviors in order to enhance the college experience through proactive, collaborative, and thoughtful approaches to identifying, assessing, and providing early interventions.
To establish a culture of personal and academic success and well-being for all students at UVA Wise.
- Assess, intervene, and provide timely resources and support for students with need.
- Support students experiencing challenges that might lead to a disruption in their education.
- Connect students to resources to support personal and/or academic success.
- Encourage a culture of community care.
A representative from each of the following departments shall serve on the Team:
- Counseling (chair)
- Residence Life
- Community Standards
- Student Success/Academic Affairs
- Advocacy & Opportunity
- Disability Services
- Athletics
- Student Engagement
- Registrar’s Office
Additional representatives from other areas of the college may be asked to attend on an as needed basis.
The UVA Wise CARE Team is an interdisciplinary group that supplements and provides coordination to existing student support systems but does not replace existing processes.
- Allegations of criminal activity are forwarded to the UVA Wise Campus Police Department.
- Escalating or threatening behaviors are forwarded to the UVA Wise Threat Assessment Team.
- Alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct are referred to the Director of Community Standards.
- Allegations of harassment are addressed in the manner described in Title IX and complaints are forwarded to the Office for Advocacy & Opportunity.
- Grievances and appeals of various sorts are handled according to the policies described in the Student Handbook and the Code of Conduct.
- Concerns regarding student mental health are referred to The Counseling Center.
For more information contact
Sara Schill, LPC
CARE Team Chair/Director of Counseling
Cantrell Hall, 2nd floor – The Counseling Center