Cavs Against Hazing
What is Hazing?
Hazing is prohibited under the State statue on hazing (Virginia Hazing, Civil Criminal Liability, Code of Virginia 18.2-56) as well by College policy. The college does not condone hazing in any form. The term “hazing” means any action taken or situation created by a member(s) of a student organization toward one or more organization members or toward prospective members (as part of the new member selection process), that occurs on College-owned or leased property or at College-sponsored or supervised functions or at the local residence of any College student, faculty member, or employee, and that is designated to or produces mental or physical harassment, discomfort, or ridicule. Such activities and situations include, but are not limited to, creation of excessive physical or psychological shock, fatigue, stress, injury or harm. Student organizations and/or individual members found to have engaged in hazing shall be in violation of College policy and may also be in violation of the Statue statute.
Reporting a Concern
If you or someone you know has witnessed or been subject to hazing incident please report it to Student Affairs using this form. Individuals affiliated with the College and community members may report incidents using the form. You can also report hazing by contacting Student Affairs by phone at 276-328-0214.
Education Prevention Training
Student Leadership Training
All students who sign a bid to a sorority or fraternity on campus must go through an in-person Greek Life Student Leader Training that covers UVA Wise Risk Management, Emergency Response, Title IX, Non-Discrimination, and Hazing policies. A series of table-top discussions are held in small and large groups regarding Behind Closed Doors “mock-scenarios” that may occur within student organizations. Responsible response, communication, and support solutions are then part of the debrief process from each scenario.
This training is conducted by the Office of Student Engagement for all new members after the conclusion of the recruitment period during the Fall and Spring Semester. A student may not start the individual chapter new member process until this in-person training is completed.
Campus Security Authority Training
As part of the Clery Act, all students who take on the official President/Archon role in a Student Club or Organization and their advisor(s) must attend annual Campus Security Authority Training coordinated by the Office for Advocacy & Opportunity.
During the Fall 2023 and 2022 semesters, the Student Affairs Division welcomed the Love Like Adam Foundation on campus. The organization helped form the legislation (Senate Bill 439) passed by The Commonwealth of Virginia Senate in 2022. The presentation and discussion focused on the impact hazing can have on a college campus and how to be an active bystander. Various members from fraternities, sororities, clubs and organizations, and Resident Assistants attended this event in September 2022. In September 2023, the Foundation provided another program to all of the previously mentioned groups as well as student athletes.
Hazing Misconduct Report
Pursuant to Virginia Code Section 23.1-822, the College provides a report of past hazing misconduct involving student organizations. The information below includes the name of the student organization, the dates (if known) of the hazing behavior, the date such behavior was reported to the College, the dates of investigation and when the organization was found responsible, and a description of the findings. Reports of hazing that did not result in a finding of responsibility are not included. The College will update this information at least ten calendar days prior to the start of each fall and spring semester, and will maintain the information for ten years following the date of initial disclosure.
UVA Wise had no confirmed incidents of hazing for the 2023-24 academic year.
UVA Wise had no confirmed incidents of hazing for the 2022-23 academic year.