Day of Service
The University of Virginia's College at Wise will host the 15th Annual Day of Service Saturday, April 5, 2025.
The Day of Service was first held in 2011 as a joint venture between the University of Virginia in Charlottesville and the College at Wise to honor and celebrate the inauguration of Teresa A. Sullivan as the eighth president of the University of Virginia. In keeping with the College's mission to promote civic involvement within the community, the Day of Service has become an annual event that brings campus and the community together through volunteering.
Breakfast is sponsored by Wise Kiwanis and will be served to participants at 8 a.m. in Greear Gym at UVA Wise. The UVA Wise Student Government Association has sponsored Day of Service shirts for participants. Participants can expect to depart for their projects around 9 a.m. and return to campus at approximately noon.

2025 Projects
Campus Beautification: Helping prepare the area near the Student Center circle on campus for spring by mulching and weeding.
Pet Blankets: Help make fleece pet blankets for the Wise County Animal Shelter. This project takes place on campus
Wise Primary School: Help paint, organize supplies, and with other maintenance projects at Wise Primary School, led by the football team.
L.F. Addington Middle School: Help organize, clean, and with maintenance projects at L.F. Addington Middle School, led by the football team.
Campus Shoebox Campaign: The National Society of Leadership & Success (NSLS) will lead this project for volunteers to create a variety of items for the fall Campus Shoebox Campaign that supports Operation Christmas Child and children all around the world. This project takes place on campus.
The Big Glades: Spend time beautifying the Big Glades in Wise. This project is off-campus and led by the football team.
Lonesome Pine Library: Help the Lonesome Pine Library with various projects inside and outside the library in Wise.
Wise Sports Complex: Volunteers will be picking up litter and performing light maintenance on the sports fields.
Zion Family Ministries Warehouse: Help Zion Family Ministries with various sorting and organization projects at their indoor warehouse. Must provide their own transportation.