Julia Weiss

Julia K.

Associate Professor of Communication
Faculty Advisor of Lambda Pi Eta
Zehmer 110

Research Areas of Emphasis

  • Media Psychology/Media Effects
  • Mediated Communication
  • Health Communication
  • Persuasion

Classes Taught

  • Media Studies
  • Dark Side of Media
  • Quantitative Research Methods
  • Health Communication
  • Senior Research Seminar & Senior Capstone
  • Media Literacy
  • Social Media Strategy

Selected Publications

Weiss, J. K. (2021). Examining engagement and self-referencing across the duration of narrative processing. Psychology of Popular Media. Advance online publicationdoi:https://doi.org/10.1037/ppm0000308

Salyer, A. M., & Weiss, J. K. (2020). Real, close friends: The effect of perceived relationships with YouTube microcelebrities on compliance. Popular Culture Studies Journal, 8, 139-156.

Weiss, J. K., & Cohen E. L. (2019). Clicking for change: The role of empathy and negative affect on engagement with a social media campaign. Behaviour & Information Technology, 38, 1185-1193.

Grizzard, M. N., Huang, J., Weiss, J. K., Novonty, E., Fitzgerald, K., Chu, H., … , Ahn, C. (2017). Graphic violence as moral motivator: The effects of graphically violent content in news. Mass Communication and Society, 20, 763-783.

Ph.D., West Virginia University
M.A., University at Buffalo
B.A., University at Buffalo
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