Courses Taught
- SOC 1100: Introduction to Sociology
- SOC 1200: Contemporary Social Problems
- SOC 3120: Community and Social Change
- SOC 3250: Popular Culture
- SOC 3350: Social Stratification
- SOC 3600: Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
- SOC 4970: Independent Study in Sociology
- SOC 4980: Field Work in Clinical Sociology
Special Topics Courses
- SOC 3951: Special Topics: Social Movements
Research Interests
- Art and Culture in Social Movements
- Urban and Rural Sociology
- Community Change
- Qualitative Methods
Selected Recent Presentations
2024. “Doing Rural Sociology in Place.” Presentation with Madison Crase and Anngel Gallihar. Virginia Social Science Association. Online Conference.
2024. “You Better Know Your Clientele: Gentrification and Restaurant Reviews in Germantown.” Presentation with Ananya Cheela. UVA Wise Research Day.
2024. “From the Corner Store to the Farm: Comparative Oral Histories on Community and Belonging in North Nashville and Greene County.” Southern Sociological Society Annual Meetings. New Orleans, LA.
2024. “Co-Constructing Student Community through Shared Investment in a Growing Sociology Program.” Presentation with Dr. Christa Moore, Willa Campbell, Anngel Gallihar, Charity Smith, and Zy’Ever Wingfield. Southern Sociological Society Annual Meetings. New Orleans, LA.
2024. “Leaving and Coming Home: Comparative Oral Histories in the Horse Creek Community of Greene County, Tennessee.” Presentation with Dr. Peter Noll, Samantha Nelson, and Sydney May. Appalachian Studies Association Annual Meetings. Cullowhee, North Carolina.
2022. “Rendering Sociological Work Visible in Unexpected Places.” Presidential Plenary with Beth Rushing, Lisette Garcia, and Maliq Matthew. Southern Sociological Society Annual Meetings. Birmingham, Alabama.
Selected Publications
McDonnell, Terence and Katherine Everhart. 2024. “Cultural Form and Protest: ACT UP New York’s Tactics of Irony and Camp.” Mobilization: An International Journal 29 (1): 59-80.
Everhart, Katherine. 2014. “Captain America and Thriller: How Artistic Expressions Shape Mobilization Processes in Social Movements.” Sociology Compass 8(3); 268-281.
Everhart, Katherine. 2012.“Cultura=Identidad: The Use of Art in the University of Puerto Rico Student Movement, 2010.” Humanity and Society 36(3): 198-219.
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