Courses Taught
- FIN 2082, Principles of Finance
- HTM 2010, Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism
Research Interests
My research interests are deeply rooted in the intersection of real estate, hospitality finance, and emerging technologies. Specifically, I focus on the valuation and financial performance of vacation rentals, leveraging cutting-edge econometric techniques such as panel data and time-series analysis to decode market dynamics. My work also extends to behavioral finance, exploring how psychological factors influence financial decisions within the hospitality industry. Additionally, I am intrigued by the potential of blockchain and fintech to revolutionize real estate transactions by enhancing transparency, security, and efficiency. This multidisciplinary approach not only reflects my extensive professional background in investment banking and real estate but also aligns with my commitment to advancing academic discourse in finance.
Selected Conference Presentations
Market: Evidence from Orlando. with Marcos Medeiros, Peng Liu, and Nan Hua, Submitted to Annual American Real Estate Society Conference, Orlando, FL, March, 2024
Medeiros, M., Severt, D., Hua, N., Liu, P. (2024). A Qualitative Assessment on Vacation Rentals Performance and Professional Property Management: An Insight from Industry Professionals. Accepted at 29th Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Miami, FL, January, 2024
Medeiros, M., Hua, N., Liu, P., Hong, Y.(2023). Online reviews authenticity: A sentiment analysis approach to investigate vacation rentals performance. Accepted at 6th World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality. Orlando, FL, December 2023
Medeiros, M., Hua, N., Liu, P. (2023). Vacation Homes operator type, performance, and online reviews.
A longitudinal study across the COVID-19 lockdown. Presented at SECSA-CHRIE Conference of Hospitality and Tourism Education. Orlando, FL. April, 2023
Medeiros, M., Ridderstaat, J. (2022). A time series analysis using micro-econometric approach to assess elasticity effects of Vacation Homes’ KPIs. Presented at 28th Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Anaheim, California, January, 2023
Medeiros, M., Altin, M. (2022). Airbnb listings in developed and developing countries. An analysis using the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Presented at 28th Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Anaheim, California, January, 2023
Selected Recent Publications
Medeiros, M., Xie, Severt, D., (2022) Exploring relative resilience of Airbnb and Hotel Industry to Risks and External Shocks. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism
Medeiros, M., Hua, N., Wang, Y., (2022) The Impacts of COVID-19 on Capital Structure Determinants of Hotel Real Estate Investment Trusts. Journal of Hospitality Financial Management
Huang, A., Makridis, C., Baker, M., Medeiros, M., Guo, Z (2020). Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 Intervention Policies on the Hospitality Labor Market. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 91,102660
Huang, A., Medeiros, M. (2021). How do hurricanes impact the tourism economy? Anatolia, An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research
Hua, N., Huang, A., Medeiros, M. (2020). The Moderating Effect of Operator Type: The Impact of IT Expenditures on Hotels' Operating Performance. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.32(8), 2519-254
Rivera, M. Croes, R., Medeiros, M., (2022). Revealed preferences for a vacation home in a small island destination: a choice experiment analysis. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure, and Events.
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