Past Notices


October 29, 2024

Timely Warning: Fondling

Trigger Warning: This warning addresses a report of sexual and physical violence. Resources are available on and off campus to provide assistance and support. Contact the Title IX Coordinator for information support, make a complaint by dialing (276) 328-0131, or learn more about at

Late this afternoon, a complainant reported to the College’s Title IX Coordinator unwanted/without consent fondling on multiple occasions throughout the fall semester occurring in an on-campus residential facility.  The Complainant also reported non-sexual physical assaults; upon receiving this report, the College took immediate steps to protect the complainant's health and safety and is investigating the incident in accordance with Title IX and the Violence Against Women Act.

UVA Wise shares this information, in accordance with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, to protect members of the College community by promoting safety and raising awareness of how to seek prompt assistance should a crime occur.

Did You Know?  

·       Experiencing Prohibited Conduct is never your fault. You can always report it even if you aren’t sure what to call about what has occurred or if you’d like the College to take any action via Title IX at this time. You also have the right to have evidence collected and to make a report to law enforcement. You also have the right to be assisted by the College in making a report to the police, and you can decide not to make a report to the police. The decision rests with the person who has been harmed in how they want to proceed. It is a violation of UVA Wise policy to engage in sexual contact with another person without first obtaining the Affirmative Consent of the person. As outlined in UVA Wise’s Policy on Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence (Title IX & Non-Title IX), "Affirmative consent is a mutual, voluntary, and knowing agreement affirmative consent is a mutual, voluntary, and knowing agreement. It's a process of communication that involves clear words or actions to establish permission. Consent can be withdrawn anytime and can't be obtained through force, threats, or intimidation.”

·        No one has the right to harm you, even if you live together. You are allowed to have boundaries and to be safe. If someone touches you in a way that makes you uncomfortable, whether that contact is sexual or not, you have the right to tell them to stop. If you cannot say those words, you can still get help. Report the behavior to the Title IX Coordinator or a member of Student Affairs, like an RA or other staff. If you cannot disclose to those persons, seek the support of a counselor to help you make a disclosure. You don’t have to do this alone.

As always, UVA Wise is committed to maintaining a respectful and professional academic, living, and working environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors and takes reports of all crimes seriously.  This incident has been reported to Title IX, and as such, the College’s policies and procedures do not allow it to disclose more than what is contained in this Timely Warning Notice publicly.

If you would like more information about UVA Wise’s administrative policy that applies to sexual harassment cases, including sexual violence, access the policy here. Additionally, please attend any event during this week's 12th Annual Red Flag Campaign.

You may always contact your Title IX Coordinator, Tabitha Smith, at 276-328-0131 or 276-870-5065. You can also always make reports to UVA Wise Campus Police at 276-328-0190 or 276-328-2677 during regular business hours or after 5 p.m. call 276-328-3756 or 911.

We support each of you and want you to feel safe on campus. Please let us know how either of our offices can be a resource to you or your friends.


October 3, 2024

Timely Warning per report to Campus Police- Burglary

In an effort to provide timely and accurate information to our students and employees, the following information is being provided. UVA Wise Campus Police have just received a report of a non-enforceable burglary on-campus in Still Hall on the evening of October 2, 2024. This is currently an ongoing investigation.

UVA Wise shares this information, in accordance with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, to protect members of the College community by promoting safety, helping reduce the likelihood of future incidents, and raising awareness of how to seek prompt assistance should a crime occur.

We want to remind everyone that incidents can and do happen while the campus community is considered safe. Below are some safety tips that should be noted. 

  • Lock your door. Keep the door(s) to your residence and any windows accessible from the outside locked at all times, even when you are away for a short period of time.
  • What to do?! Don't go inside if you find that your room has been entered. Contact Residence Life and Campus Police for an on-campus residence or local Police for an off-campus residence. If you are already inside your room, don’t touch anything so that you don’t disturb evidence that may be important to a police investigation.
  • Do not share personal property items. Never lend the key to your residence or your Cavs ID Card to another person.
  • And remember- if you See Something. Say Something

As always, make any report to UVA Wise Campus Police at 276-328-2677 during regular business hours or after 5 p.m. call 276-328-3756 or 911.

Stay Safe!


November 7, 2023

Timely Warning per report to Campus Police- Burglary

In an effort to provide timely and accurate information to our students, and employees, the following information is being provided. UVA Wise Campus Police have received a report of a non-forceable burglary on-campus in Culberson Hall at approximately 9:20 pm, today, November 7, 2023. This is currently an ongoing investigation.

UVA Wise shares this information, in accordance with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, to protect members of the College community by promoting safety, to help reduce the likelihood of future incidents, and to raise awareness of how to seek prompt assistance should a crime occur.

We would like to remind everyone that while the campus community is considered to be safe, incidents can and do happen. Below are some safety tips that should be noted.

  • Lock your door. Keep the door(s) to your residence and any windows accessible from the outside locked at all times. Even when you are away for a short period of time.
  • What to do?! If you find that your room has been entered, don’t go inside. Contact Residence Life and Campus Police for an on-campus residence; or local Police for an off-campus residence. If you are already inside your room, don’t touch anything so that you don’t disturb evidence that may be important to a police investigation.
  • Do not share personal property items. Never lend the key to your residence or your Cavs ID Card to another person.
  • And remember- if you See Something. Say Something

As always, make any report to UVA Wise Campus Police at 276-328-0190 or 276-328-2677 during regular business hours; or after 5 p.m., call 276-328-3756 or 911.

Stay Safe!


October 24, 2023

Timely Warning per report to Campus Police- Burglary

In an effort to provide timely and accurate information to our students, and employees, the following information is being provided. UVA Wise Campus Police have received a report of a non-forceable burglary on-campus in Asbury Hall this evening, October 24, 2023. This is currently an ongoing investigation.

UVA Wise shares this information, in accordance with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, to protect members of the College community by promoting safety, to help reduce the likelihood of future incidents, and to raise awareness of how to seek prompt assistance should a crime occur.

We would like to remind everyone that while the campus community is considered to be safe, incidents can and do happen. Below are some safety tips that should be noted.

  • Lock your door. Keep the door(s) to your residence and any windows accessible from the outside locked at all times. Even when you are away for a short period of time.
  • What to do?! If you find that your room has been entered, don’t go inside. Contact Residence Life and Campus Police for an on-campus residence; or local Police for an off- campus residence. If you are already inside your room, don’t touch anything so that you don’t disturb evidence that may be important to a police investigation.
  • Do not share personal property items. Never lend the key to your residence or your Cavs ID Card to another person.
  • And remember- if you See Something. Say Something

As always, make any report to UVA Wise Campus Police at 276-328-0190 or 276-328-2677 during regular business hours; or after 5 p.m., call 276-328-3756 or 911.

Stay Safe!


September 21, 2023

Timely Warning per report to Campus Police- Aggravated Assault

In an effort to provide timely and accurate information to our students and employees, the following information is being shared.

UVA Wise Campus Police have received a report of an aggravated assault on-campus. This is currently an ongoing investigation.

UVA Wise shares this information, in accordance with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, to protect members of the College community by promoting safety, to help reduce the likelihood of future incidents, and to raise awareness of how to seek prompt assistance should a crime occur.

We would like to remind everyone that while the campus community is considered to be safe, incidents can and do happen. Below are some safety tips that should be noted.

  • If you are faced with a situation that could possibly get violent, walk away or call 911.
  • Try to resolve contentious situations in a civil manner. If faced with a situation that could become confrontational, involve a third party as a possible mediator.
  • And remember- if you See Something. Say Something.

As always, make any report to UVA Wise Campus Police at 276-328-0190 or 276-328-2677 during regular business hours; or after 5 p.m., call 276-328-3756 or 911.

Stay Safe!


February 14, 2022

Timely Warning per Report to Campus Police- Burglary

In an effort to provide timely and accurate information to our students, and employees, the following information is being provided. UVA Wise Campus Police have received a report of a non-forceable burglary on-campus in Henson Hall today, February 14, 2022 . This is currently an ongoing investigation.

UVA Wise shares this information, in accordance with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, to protect members of the College community by promoting safety, to help reduce the likelihood of future incidents, and to raise awareness of how to seek prompt assistance should a crime occur.

We would like to remind everyone that while the campus community is considered to be safe, incidents can and do happen. Below are some safety tips that should be noted.

  • Lock your door. Keep the door(s) to your residence and any windows accessible from the outside locked at all times. Even when you are away for a short period of time.
  • What to do?! If you find that your room has been entered, don’t go inside. Contact Residence Life and Campus Police for an on-campus residence; or local Police for an off- campus residence. If you are already inside your room, don’t touch anything so that you don’t disturb evidence that may be important to a police investigation.
  • Do not share personal property items. Never lend the key to your residence or your Cavs ID Card to another person.
  • And remember- if you See Something. Say Something


As always, make any report to UVA Wise Campus Police at 276-328-0190 or 276-328-2677 during regular business hours; or after 5 p.m., call 276-328-3756 or 911.

Stay Safe!


September 14, 2021

Message sent on behalf of Campus Police

Cavalier Community Care:

UVA Wise Campus Police have received a report of larceny from a vehicle. The Commonwealth of Virginia does not have a specific auto theft law, however, any larceny (theft of personal property) of an item is unlawful.

UVA Wise shares this information as a community care message to protect members of the College community by promoting safety, to help reduce the likelihood of future incidents, and to raise awareness of how to seek prompt assistance should a crime occur.

The UVA Wise Campus Police Department would like to remind everyone that while the campus community is considered to be safe, incidents can and do happen. Below are some safety tips that should be noted.

  • Keep the door(s) to your residence and vehicles locked at all times. Even when you are away for a short period of time.
  • Keep your windows closed completely so that a thief can not reach into a space and gain full access.
  • If you find that your room or vehicle has been entered- contact Campus Police for an on-campus; or local Police for an off- campus.
  • Try not to touch anything so that you don’t disturb evidence that may be important to a police investigation.
  • And remember- if you See Something. Say Something

As always, make any report to UVA Wise Campus Police at 276-328-0190 or 276-328-2677 during regular business hours; or after 5 p.m., call 276-328-3756 or 911.

Stay Safe!


March 22, 2021

Message sent on behalf of The Office of Compliance & Inclusion

UVA Wise Housing & Residence Life have received a report of a burglary in Culbertson Hall last night, March 21, 2021. The situation has been referred to Campus Police for follow-up and is currently an ongoing investigation.

UVA Wise shares this information, in accordance with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, to protect members of the College community by promoting safety, to help reduce the likelihood of future incidents, and to raise awareness of how to seek prompt assistance should a crime occur.

We would like to remind everyone that while the campus community is considered to be safe, incidents can and do happen. Below are some residential safety tips that should be noted. This information is general in nature and does not necessarily relate to any specific incident.

  • Keep the door(s) to your residence and any windows accessible from the outside locked at all times. Even when you are away for a short period of time.
  • If you find that your room has been entered, don’t go inside. Contact Residence Life or Campus Police for an on-campus residence; or local Police for an off- campus residence.
  • If you are already inside your room, don’t touch anything so that you don’t disturb evidence that may be important to a police investigation.
  • Students in on-campus housing are particularly advised against blocking/propping open the main and side entrances to residence halls.
  • Never lend the key to your residence to anyone.
  • And remember- if you See Something. Say Something

As always, make any report to UVA Wise Campus Police at 276-328-0190 or 276-328-2677 during regular business hours; or after 5 p.m., call 276-328-3756 or 911.


March 16, 2021

UVA Wise is participating in a statewide tornado drill at 9:45 a.m. today, March 16. The College will utilize its emergency notifications via text messages, voice mail, email, web posting, and the outdoor siren during the drill. While we do not expect active participation in the drill as it occurs during class time, we ask that you consider where you would go in case a tornado emergency is underway.  We will issue an All Clear message about 10 minutes after the drill is concluded.  The following guidelines are issued by the Virginia Department of Emergency Management.

Tornadoes may strike quickly, with little to no warning, causing extensive damage to structures and disrupting transportation, power, water, gas, communications and other services in its direct path and in neighboring areas. 


Tornadoes are possible. Move close to a shelter or sturdy building in case there is a warning.


A tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar. Take shelter immediately.

Before a tornado

  • Identify safe rooms or protective locations at home, school or work before a tornado threat arises so that you have a plan for where to go for safety when a tornado warning is issued.
  • Be alert to changing weather conditions and time in to NOAA weather radio, local media and social media for the latest information.
  • Look for the following danger signs: dark, often greenish sky; large hail; large, dark, low-lying cloud formation or rotation; or a loud roar similar to a freight train.
  • Have an emergency communication plan in place for your family.
  • Build an emergency kit by downloading our checklist online at!

During a tornado


  • Go to a safe room: basement, cellar, or the lowest building level.
  • If there is no basement,  go to an inside room: a closet or hallway.
  • Stay away from corners, windows, doors and outer walls. Never open windows.
  • Protect your head!


  • Get out immediately and go to the closest building or storm shelter.


  • Get into a vehicle and buckle your seatbelt.
  • Put your head down below the windows and cover your head with your hands.
  • If there is no car or shelter, try to find a ditch or area lower than the ground to lie down in. You are safer in a low, flat location than under a bridge or highway overpass.


While tornadoes are most common in the central part of the U.S. known as “Tornado Alley,” Virginia has seen it’s fair share of twisters. In 2004 there were 87 recorded tornadoes, and in 2017 we saw 25 tornadoes.


January 22, 2021

Subject: Timely Warning- Burglary

Message sent on behalf of The Office of Compliance & Inclusion

UVA Wise Housing & Residence Life have received a report of a burglary in Asbury Hall tonight, January 21, 2021. The situation has been referred to Campus Police for follow-up.

UVA Wise shares this information, in accordance with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, to protect members of the College community by promoting safety, to help reduce the likelihood of future incidents, and to raise awareness of how to seek prompt assistance should a crime occur.

The UVA Wise Campus Police Department would like to remind everyone that while the campus community is considered to be safe, incidents can and do happen. Below are some residential safety tips that should be noted. This information is general in nature and does not necessarily relate to any specific incident.

  • Keep the door(s) to your residence and any windows accessible from the outside locked at all times. Even when you are away for a short period of time.
  • If you find that your room has been entered, don’t go inside. Contact Residence Life or Campus Police for an on-campus residence; or local Police for an off- campus residence.
  • If you are already inside your room, don’t touch anything so that you don’t disturb evidence that may be important to a police investigation.
  • Students in on-campus housing are particularly advised against blocking/propping open the main and side entrances to residence halls.
  • Never lend the key to your residence to anyone.
  • And remember- if you See Something. Say Something

As always, make any report to UVA Wise Campus Police at 276-328-0190 or 276-328-2677 during regular business hours; or after 5 p.m., call 276-328-3756 or 911.


Subject: UVA Wise Natural Gas Pipeline Public Awareness Program

October 20, 2020

To comply with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) requirements for safe transportation of natural gas, UVA Wise must maintain a continuing education awareness program that enables staff, faculty, students, the public, emergency response groups, and persons engaged in excavation activities, to recognize the hazards of natural gas and respond to an emergency situation. This program must be compliant with both the requirements of PHMSA section 192.616 and the American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice 1162.

The Gas Pipeline Public Awareness Message and Emergency Evacuation Assembly Plan provides guidance for pipeline purpose and reliability, awareness of hazards and prevention measures taken, damage prevention awareness, leak recognition and response, emergency contacts, and evacuation assembly locations.




Subject: Emergency Notification of Positive COVID-19 Case

Required emergency notification of positive COVID-19 case

August 4, 2020

UVA Wise Students, Faculty and Staff:

We learned today that a UVA Wise residential student, who was tested yesterday on campus, tested positive for COVID-19. The student is self-isolated, according to CDC and local public health guidelines. Contact tracing is being coordinated through the local health department in conjunction with UVA Employee & Student Health Wise Clinic. Those in the UVA Wise community who may have come into close contact with the positive cases are notified directly and given further instructions to prevent the spread.

As part the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) requirements for all colleges and universities, UVA Wise is required to send this initial Emergency Notification to students and employees of a positive COVID-19 case(s) on campus. Additional information regarding COVID-19 prevention, symptoms, testing and academic planning can be found at the College’s website.

With the increase in COVID-19 cases in our local community and state, we would like to remind you to continue to strengthen your personal health protection:

  • Practice social distancing by putting at least 6 feet between yourself and others, including covering your  mouth and nose with a cloth face covering, especially in public places where 6 feet of separation is not feasible.
  • Wash your hands often for at least 20 seconds.
  • Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.
  • Clean and then disinfect frequently used surfaces.
  • Cover coughs/sneezes with a tissue or inside of your elbow.
  • Monitor your health for symptoms, and stay home if you’re sick.
  • Follow CDC guidance if symptoms develop.

COVID-19 affects all age groups – even college-aged students – and the social distancing guidelines, including wearing face coverings when around others, are to protect yourself and care for others as well.

If you are concerned that you may have been exposed or experiencing COVID-19 symptoms you should follow CDC guidelines and contact the Ballad Health Nurse Connect hotline:  833-8-BALLAD (833-822-5523) and/or the UVA Employee & Student Health Wise Clinic at 376-3475.

For more information about COVID-19, please visit the websites of the Centers for Disease Control, the LENOWISCO Health District, as well as UVA Wise website.




Subject: Timely Warning Burglary

Message sent on behalf of The Office of Compliance & Inclusion

UVA Wise Housing & Residence Life have received a report of a burglary in Culbertson Hall on Monday, January 13, 2020. The situation has been referred to Campus Police for follow-up.

UVA Wise shares this information, in accordance with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, to protect members of the College community by promoting safety, to help reduce the likelihood of future incidents, and to raise awareness of how to seek prompt assistance should a crime occur.

The UVA Wise Campus Police Department would like to remind everyone that while the campus community is considered to be safe, incidents can and do happen. Below are some residential safety tips that should be noted. This information is general in nature and does not necessarily relate to any specific incident.
Keep the door(s) to your residence and any windows accessible from the outside locked at all times.
If you find that your room has been entered, don’t go inside. Contact Residence Life or Campus Police for an on-campus residence; or local Police for an off-campus residence.
If you are already inside your room, don’t touch anything so that you don’t disturb evidence that may be important to a police investigation.
Students in on-campus housing are particularly advised against blocking/propping open the main and side entrances to residence halls.
Never lend the key to your residence to anyone.
And remember- if you See Something. Say Something
As always, make any report to UVA Wise Campus Police at 276-328-0190 or 276-328-2677 during regular business hours; or after 5 p.m., call 276-328-3756 or 911.