Honor System
The University of Virginia’s College at Wise adopted an Honor System in 1956 under which all students pledge to cooperate in acting honestly and honorably.
The Honor System is administered by an Honor Court elected by the student body and composed of two representatives of each class. It is the job of the Honor Court to enforce the Honor System and to adjudicate violations.
The primary focus of the Honor System is to address instances of dishonorable conduct within the academic setting. Lying, cheating, and stealing relative to academic work are issues to which the Honor System applies.
A violation of the Honor System is an offense against the entire student body. Students who enforce the system are performing a solemn duty, protecting their individual liberties and the reputation of the student body. In return for acceptance and active guardianship of the Honor System, students enjoy faith in themselves and in one another and receive the confidence of the faculty and administration. The Honor System creates an atmosphere of personal integrity and freedom through individual and collective responsibility.
Violation of the Honor System can result in dismissal or imposition of an intermediate sanction. The College will automatically enforce any sanction imposed by the Honor Court on a student certified to be guilty of a breach of the Honor System.
The alleged violation must be reported to the prosecutor within 30 business days upon the end of the academic session in which the alleged violation occurred.
Honor Pledge
Students at The University of Virginia’s College at Wise sign the following pledge to all work completed. This signifies understanding and agreement of the articles of the Constitution of the Honor System.
I, ___(name)___, certify as a student at The University of Virginia’s College at Wise that I have neither received nor given aid on this ___(test, exam, etc.)___ .
An Honor Court, elected by the student body and composed of two representatives of each class, enforces the Honor System and adjudicates violations.
Senior Representatives
- Cloey Bailey, Chair
- Skyy Semones
Junior Representatives
- Madeline Clark
- Tylee Sizemore
Sophomore Representatives
- Christina Lynn
- Teresa Nguyen
Freshman Representatives
- Mallory Vertman
- Jasleen Kaur
- John-Dalton Altzier
Assistant Advocate
- Wyatt Shinskie
- Grace Golatt
Assistant Counselor
- Xaria Ward
Advisors to the Honor Court
- Rick Galyean
- Heather Gordon
- Robert Hatch
- Cassidy Hughes
- Troy Makal
- Mitch Meltzer
- Ricky Mullins
- Candice Stadler
- Paul Rollins, Chancellor’s Office Representative
- Mike Shell, Academic Affairs Representative