Reporting Overview
This site allows you to share important information regarding incidents or concerning behavior in order to foster a community of inclusion and mutual respect.
Emergency? If you believe that a situation you are reporting is an emergency and requires immediate attention, please call 911 or Campus Police at 276-328-COPS.
Academic Reporting
All academic reporting, such as Early Alert and Roll Verification, can be found on the main page of the Faculty Portal. Examples of reporting might include student absences, lack of participation, behavioral concerns, or anything that impacts the academic experience or gives you cause for concern. The Registrar’s Office follows up and triages these reports.
Cavs Care
The purpose of the UVA Wise CARE (Concern – Assessment – Resources – Evaluation) Team is to ensure a timely and coordinated response to students who are experiencing challenges or concerning behaviors in order to enhance the college experience through proactive, collaborative, and thoughtful approaches to identifying, assessing, and providing early interventions.
Student Conduct
Use this form to report alleged violations of college policies or Student Code of Conduct. The Conduct Reporting Form is to be used to report any incidents of misconduct and/or potential violations of the UVA Wise Code of Conduct. This form should not be used to report incidents of academic dishonesty. Questions regarding this form should be directed to the Community Standards Coordinator located on the first floor of Cantrell Hall or by calling 276-376-4502.
Use this form to report acts of hazing. The term “hazing” means any action taken or situation created by a member(s) of a student organization toward one or more organization members or toward prospective members (as part of the new member selection process), that occurs on College-owned or leased property or at College-sponsored or supervised functions or at the local residence of any College student, faculty member, or employee, and that is designated to or produces mental or physical harassment, discomfort, or ridicule. Such activities and situations include, but are not limited to, creation of excessive physical or psychological shock, fatigue, stress, injury or harm. Instances where students complied, consented, or voluntarily participated are still considered hazing.
Title IX
Use this form to report any possible violations of UVA Wise’s Sexual Misconduct and Interpersonal Violence Policy such as sexual assault, harassment, stalking, and relationship violence including misconduct based on sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, and other forms of sexually exploitative behavior.
UVA Wise is a welcoming, safe, and supportive environment for students, faculty, and staff from all backgrounds and walks of life. The College does not discriminate on any form of protected status.
Threat Assessment
Report for any individual whose behavior may potentially pose a threat to self, others, or the campus community. Examples include but are not limited to: engaging in threatening or violent behaviors, committing injurious or threatening acts, or brandishing a weapon or firearm.
Get to a safe place
Call 911
Safely notify others
Share a concern at or any listed Threat Assessment Team Member.
Crisis Management Team
UVA Wise Crisis Management Team (CMT) facilitates preparedness activities, organizes and coordinates the College’s response and recovery efforts, and maintains mitigation strategies based on the hazards that make us most vulnerable; for information about CMT, contact chair Joe Kiser or Campus Police.
Honor Code
Use this form to report alleged violations of the UVA Wise Honor Code such as lying, cheating, or stealing. Reports are submitted for review by the Honor Court.