Guide to Student Employment

Have you ever thought about getting a job on or off campus but did not know where to start? We've included some simple steps and information that will make your job search more productive.


Student Employment is used to refer to part-time, on-campus jobs held by enrolled college students. Student Employment on the UVA Wise campus falls into four categories:

  • Federal Work-Study (FWS) positions, supported directly from your financial aid benefits
  • Active Pay positions, lump sum payments once or twice during a semester, or more
  • Undergraduate Pay positions, based on grant or budget funds set aside by the department to pay for a student worker

A fourth category for paid, on-campus experience falls under Internship positions, which are paid experiences based on grant or budget funds set aside by the department to hire interns for research and other project-based work. Technically, internships are not student employment

Off-campus jobs are typically known as Part-time Employment and employers handle the hiring process directly. Meaning these jobs are not affiliated or processed through UVA Wise.

Finding a Job

First step, determine if you want to work on campus or off campus.

Work on Campus

For work on campus, visit the Financial Aid Office (Crockett Hall, 1st floor) to determine if you are eligible for Federal Work-Study.

If you are eligible for Federal Work-Study:

  • Ask different departments, including academic departments, if they are hiring. Let them know that you are eligible for Federal Work-Study. 
  • Attend the annual student employment fair hosted by Financial Aid at the beginning of the fall semester.
  • Ask students who are employed on campus for a referral to their supervisor.
  • Sometimes, jobs are posted to Handshake; be sure to activate your account.
  • Check your email inbox for announcements from the Office of Career Discovery.

If you are not eligible for Federal Work-Study:

  • Approach departments, including academic departments, and inquire whether they have a budget to hire for non-Federal Work-Study positions.
  • Apply to contracted campus departments, such as Chartwells (Dining Hall, Virginia Flats, Catering, and Chick-fil-A). View jobs at Chartwells.
  • Ask professors if they have grant money to fund a campus job in research or project work.

Work off Campus

  • Visit Virginia Career Works in Wise.
  • Check your email inbox for announcements from the Office of Career Discovery.
  • Check Handshake.
  • Ask your network, including Career Discovery, for local employer contact information.
  • Network with students who are working off campus.

Additional Resources

When you are ready to start the next step in your employment journey, the UVA Wise Smiddy’s Closet offers business attire so you may dress to impress at your interview! For access to Smiddy’s Closet and for interview tips and practice, contact Career Discovery,

If you need a ride to your job, contact MetGo.

Through the Virginia Talent + Opportunity Partnership, the Commonwealth offers free, self-paced course modules to help hone your career readiness skills, such as teamwork, communication, and time management.


What type of jobs are typically available?
All departments on campus, academic departments included, can hire students. Thus, the types of jobs vary from lifeguarding at the pool, to circulation assistance in the Library, to special event prep in the Prior Center.

Are there any specific eligibility requirements or restrictions for international students? 
Yes. Since you are not eligible for U.S. Federal Aid, you must apply to departments that have a budget to hire students. Also, some departments receive grants that may pay for student workers. In both cases, international students should approach professors, coaches, and staff members on campus to see if they are hiring. (NOTE: International students must be eligible to work in the United States. The UVA Wise Human Resources office assists with the application for a Social Security Number, if needed.)

Can I get help if the application requires a resume?
Yes. The Office of Career Discovery and Planning can assist with your resume. Email or drop by our offices which are located in Smiddy Hall, Rooms 254 and 251.

What is the process for applying for jobs on campus?
Currently, each department has its own process; therefore, faculty and staff can share their hiring timelines and how they like to receive your applications.

How do I know if I am eligible for Federal Work-Study?
Visit the Office of Financial Aid to determine your eligibility and the amount of your award.

I need a job to stay enrolled at UVA Wise. Where do I get help?
Visit the steps listed above that pertain to your situation. Faculty and staff are willing to assist, so ask someone you trust. They should be able to guide you to your next step.

Points of Contact