Nick England Scholarship Foundation further impacts students through generous contributions

Today, Robert and Jennifer England, through the Nick England Scholarship Foundation, made another generous contribution to commemorate the life of their late son, Nick, to UVA Wise. Today’s commitment brings the cumulative total of their support to $500,000. The family and foundation have already established six endowed scholarships through the Foundation to honor their son and to support education and UVA Wise. But, these additional funds will create further opportunity for UVA Wise students like Nick.
“We’ve been building a bridge for the next generation and creating a legacy,” said Robert England, who today hosted the Nick England Scholarship Foundation’s fifth golf tournament. England thanked the donors in attendance for assisting in building a legacy that benefits many students at the College.
Already, the Nick England Scholarship Foundation has established scholarships that benefit transfer students from Mountain Empire Community College, students majoring in science, and students playing golf, as well as bicentennial scholarships for students from Southwest Virginia who demonstrate leadership, students from the region who major in science, and students studying education.
“UVA Wise is deeply grateful to the Nick England Scholarship Foundation for entrusting Nick’s legacy to live on through the endowed funds that bear his and the family’s name,” said UVA Wise Chancellor Donna P. Henry. “These scholarships greatly impact our students. Nick was an incredible student at UVA Wise whose life profoundly impacted those who knew him.”
Because of their cumulative giving, the Nick England Scholarship Foundation’s name will be added to the 1954 Crockett Society wall in the David J. Prior Convocation Center later this fall.
Anyone interested in making a gift to the fund may do so by sending a check to the UVA Wise Office of Advancement, the England Scholarship funds, 1 College Avenue, Wise, VA 24293. Gifts may be made online by indicating that it is for the England Scholarship funds. For more information, please contact Vice Chancellor for Advancement & Alumni Engagement Valerie Lawson, 276.376.4523.