Showing 12 of 12 results
Christopher D. Davis
Director of the Prior Center
David J. Prior Convocation Center
Marcos de Medeiros
Assistant Professor of Hospitality and Tourism
Department of Business & Economics
Matthew Dec
Associate Director of Financial Aid Operations & Technology
Financial Aid
Tonya Deel
Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence
Center for Teaching Excellence
Meghan Dennehy
Head Women’s Lacrosse Coach
Joshua Dingus
Trades Assistant
Facilities Management
Emily A. Dotson
Associate Professor of English
Department of Language & Literature
Jacob Dotson
Academic Systems Specialist
Department of Mathematics & Computer Science
Robin Dotson
Women's Golf Recruiting Coordinator
Elizabeth Dotson-Shupe
Associate Professor of Education, Coordinator of Library Media
Department of Education
David Driscoll
Healthy Appalachia Institute Director
Government Relations & Strategic Initiatives
Megan Duff
Senior Assistant to the Provost
Academic Affairs