Showing 24 of 391 results
Christopher F. Achua
Professor of Marketing/Management
Department of Business & Economics
Clara-Cristina Adame de Heu
Assistant Professor of Modern Languages
Department of Language & Literature
Michael Adams
Facilities Management
Hannah Addington
Human Resources Recruiting Specialist
Human Resources
John Mark Adrian
Professor of English
Department of Language & Literature
Gurkan Akalin
Department Chair
Department of Business & Economics
Beth Allison
Accounting & Financial Reporting
Finance & Operations
David Amos
Fleet Management and Surplus Property Manager
College Services
Alice Arrowood
Administrative Coordinator for Academic Affairs
Academic Affairs
Robert Arrowood
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Department of Social Sciences
Tommy Asher
Associate Director of Advancement
Advancement & Alumni Engagement
Heather Askea
STREAM Outreach Coordinator
Department of Education
Hezekiah Babatunde
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Department of Mathematics & Computer Science
Grant Baker
Director of Information Technology & Chief Security Officer
Information Technology
Brooke Barnette
Laboratory and Chemical Safety Officer
Department of Natural Sciences
Aron Bartley
Media Services Technician
Information Technology
Jeffrey Baylor
Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management
Kime Beaty-Berry
Associate Registrar
Registrar's Office
Brittany Belcher
Assistant Professor of Kinesiology
Department of Education
Scott Bevins
Associate Vice Chancellor for Institutional Effectiveness and Research
Institutional Research
Subrata Biswas
Instructor in Anatomy/Physiology
Department of Natural Sciences