Showing 12 of 12 results
Molly Land
Assistant Women's Basketball Coach
Tonya Large
Director of Greear Gym & Pool
David J. Prior Convocation Center
Kimberly Larmee
Archivist, Records Manager and Liaison Librarian
Kim Lawson
Office Manager for the Department of Nursing
Department of Nursing
Valerie Lawson
Vice Chancellor for Advancement and Alumni Engagement
Advancement & Alumni Engagement
Robyn Lee
GO Virginia Program Manager
Government Relations & Strategic Initiatives
Donald Leech
Associate Professor of History
Department of History & Philosophy
Erik Lemley
Associate Athletic Director for Internal Operations
Brandon Lester
IT Support Technician
Information Technology
Mikaela Logan
Director, Office of Student Engagement
Student Engagement
Tessa Lovern
Director of Financial Reporting and Projects
Finance & Operations