Showing 24 of 391 results
Don Sharitt
Director of Corporate & Foundation Relations
Advancement & Alumni Engagement
Stephanie Shell
Interim Director of Admissions & New Student Orientation
Steven M. Shell
Associate Professor of Biology
Department of Natural Sciences
Eddie Shen
Assistant Professor of Exercise Science
Department of Education
Leah Shortt
Advancement Associate
Advancement & Alumni Engagement
Jared Sloan
Program Manager, Office of Career Discovery and Planning
Career Discovery & Planning
Christian Smith
Coordinator of Outdoor Recreation
Student Recreation
Eric Drummond Smith
Associate Professor of Political Science
Department of Social Sciences
Tabitha Smith
Interim Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Student Affairs
Walter H. Smith
Department Chair
Department of Natural Sciences
Jacob Somervell
Professor of Computer Science
Department of Mathematics & Computer Science
Donald W. Sorah
Associate Professor of Music
Department of Visual & Performing Arts
Kelly Sorah
Adjunct Instructor of Trombone
Department of Visual & Performing Arts
Jon South
Assistant Men’s and Women’s Tennis Coach
Jamie Sowards
Access Associate
Student Health Services
Evan Sproles
Post Office Assistant
College Services
Candice Stadler
Director of International Programs and Services
International Programs
Anthony Stanley
Housekeeping and Apparel Worker
Facilities Management
Matt Stanley
Director for Administrative Systems
Information Technology
Renee Stanley
Instructor in Nursing
Department of Nursing
Elizabeth Steele
Instructor of History
Department of History & Philosophy
Lamar Steele
Entrepreneurship Coordinator
Government Relations & Strategic Initiatives
J.C. Steffey
Trades Technician
Facilities Management